Addiction Solutions in Angola IN

Addiction in Angola IN. Is it a disease?
Is it even real?! No matter how you want to generalize substance abuse, those who have been affected by addiction can vouch for how scary, heart-breaking and unpredictable it can be. According to a government-funded study, 21 million adults battled substance abuse problems in 2014. Addiction can kill the user, cripple the family, and least of all convert the chase of a high into a financial avalanche.
At our clinic in Angola IN, we know what toxins can do to a body. We also know that while people might want to be healthier, wanting and acting are two different things. We will briefly go over a few of the local options for battling addiction, and what they mean for you.
Note: This article is is no way meant to rank or discredit any form of treatment in the battle of addiction; nor does it give every single option available to addicts. The goal of Tri-State Nutritional Healing is to help the community be healthier as a whole, and we feel that showing you the options for addiction treatment in the Angola, IN area is the best way to help accomplish that goal.
For many, the answer to addiction starts with going to a doctor who can prescribe specific medicines. Opiate addicts usually have two options when it comes to what prescriptions can help them get off opiates: Methadone and Suboxone.
Methadone has been around longer than Suboxone (Bupenorphine), but both have a similar strategy (and consequences) to beating addiction. The patient is treated with an opiate in a controlled setting and is ideally weaned down gradually until eventually the patient no longer needs the prescribed opiate to stay clean. Angola IN, at the time of this article's publication, only has one doctor for Suboxone treatment (Dr. Terry Shipe) and currently no methadone clinics.
We would be negligent to try to pretend as if pharmaceutical solutions to opiates never work. The truth is: they do. The unfortunate side effect of going through this route of treatment, is that the addict is still using opiates daily. While we would much rather have a patient on a controlled dose of opiates so they can contribute back to society, things become a little hazier when it is time to get off of the drug that curbed their addiction. According to a study by the National Institute of Drug Abuse, Suboxone has a success rate of about 50 percent during treatment, but falls down to less than 10 percent after the drug is no longer prescribed to them. While that 10 percent is a sad percentage, it is light-years better than continuing the downward spiral that the majority of addicts face.
There are group meetings such as AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and NA (Narcotics Anonymous) that each use different, but similar, methods to help keep addicts away from substance abuse. AA was first started in 1935 by a group of alcoholics in New York. Co-founders Dr. Bob and Bill Wilson set off to work finding local alcoholics to try and rehabilitate. After finding success with 100's of individuals, they set about writing their literature and spreading the message. An offshoot of the AA program, Narcotics Anonymous, was founded in the 1950's.
There are some difference between the different types of meetings, and both have even more subsets of meetings. For instance, some AA groups are not as welcoming to those addicts who are suffering from addictions outside of alcohol abuse, while NA is usually equal in welcoming all kind of addictions.
There is also a lot of literature that is used religiously in these meetings. AA has what they call the "Big Book" and other related materials that they use as guidelines for some of their meetings. One of the most common gripes about AA is that some addicts feel that the pressure to "submit to a higher power" or bring God into their recovery is a deal-breaker for them. The first step of AA is to admit your addiction, and then you are directly thrown into submitting to a higher power as the second step. This is a major drawback to some addicts, while it is a large pivot-point of success for others.
Meetings have been around for quite a while, and don't seem to be going anywhere. There are those who swear by them and thank these programs for saving their lives from the deadly grip of addiction. Others have more negative feelings towards meetings, such as gripes with certain steps or their personal lack of results from participating. While it might not be right for you, we certainly suggest trying meetings. They are a free alternative to battling addiction, and a huge factor in some recovering addicts staying sober. We even have a few local meetings right here in Angola, IN.
Deciding what is the best solution to take is not for us to say. There are plenty of other options that we haven't listed above such as In-Patient Rehab Centers, who will actually admit you into their care and go through multiple techniques and practices to help you leave their center clean and hopefully remain that way.
Another option we would like to bring up is, well, ourselves. Tri-State Healing Center in Angola, IN is an all-around health solution, and is most certainly not a quick fix for addicts looking for help. An addict will not leave our office with a strip of Suboxone that can borderline get them high. Tri-State Healing Center uses personalized plans to help get rid of unwanted toxins in your body and focus on making you healthier all-around.
One way we will help your body fight for itself is through our detox programs. Detox has become a buzzword for people looking to sell anything from magazines to supplements. That is one of the reasons we stand out from the crowd. Dr. Rob and the staff here at Tri-State understand the processes and procedures that are happening inside of your body during a detox. What we hope to accomplish in our detox programs are to give your body the tools it needs to fend against toxins.
One detox method we use is through the Parotid enzyme, which is naturally produced by your Parotid glands-located in your cheek area. The Parotid enzyme in your body helps digest food and metabolize food, but it also sends out "feelers" to help your body tag poisons and loosen the bonds between the chemicals and your body's tissues. We would then continue the detox method by absorbing these toxins properly so they can be removed through the bowels. Some detox methods can actually mobilize toxins in your body instead of driving them out. Detoxing with us will help take stress off of your body so your system can start working on eliminating chemicals and toxins on its own.
We can't say you'll walk into Tri-State Healing Center in Angola IN withdrawing and leave with a year of sobriety under your belt, but we can make the promise that we will always keep your wellness as our top priority. Come down and see us, or call and make an appointment. Or don't. Go find help somewhere else. All we want is for our community to be a sober, healthy environment for everyone. If we can be the piece that helps you get sober, then great. If you get sober through other means, that is just as well. If you or someone you know is facing substance abuse problems, PLEASE GET HELP.
2:00pm - 9:00pm
9:00am - 3:00pm
2:00pm - 9:00pm
9:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Tri-State Healing Center
114 E Gilmore St
Angola, IN 46703